24 Java - Multithreading 1


  • Before we understand what is multithreading, lets first understand Thread and Process.


  • Process is an instance of a program that is getting executed.

  • It has its own resource like memory, thread etc. OS allocate these resource to process when its created.

  • Compilation (javac Test.java): generates bytecode that can be executed by JVM.

  • Execution (java Test): At this point, JVM starts the new Process, here Test is the class which has public static void main(String args[]) method.

How much memory does process gets?

While creating the process java MainClassName command, a new JVM instance will get created and we can tell how much heap memory need to be allocated.

java -Xms256m -Xmx2g MainClassName

-Xms<size>: This will set the initial heap size, above we allocated 256MB

-Xmx<size>: Max heap size, process can get, above we allocated 2GB, if tries to allocated more memory, OutOfMemoryError will occur.


  • Thread is known as lightweight process

  • (OR) Smallest sequence of instructions that are executed by CPU independently

  • 1 Process can have multiple threads.

  • When a Process is created, it start with 1 thread and that initial thread known as main thread and from we can create multiple threads to perform task concurrently.

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Thread Name: "+Thread.currentThread().getName());
//Thread Name: main


Code Segment

  • Contains the compiled BYTECODE (i.e machine code) of the Java Program.

  • Its read only

  • All threads within the same process, share the same code segment.

  • In essence, javac converts the code to bytecode, and then Java converts the bytecode to machine code.

Data Segment

  • Contains the GLOBAL and STATIC variables.

  • All threads within the same process, share the same data segment.

  • Threads can read and modify the same data.

  • Sychronization is required between multiple threads.


  • Objects created at runtime using new keyword are allocated in the heap.

  • Heap is shared among all the threads of the same process. (but NOT WITHIN PROCESS)

    • lets say in Process1, X8000 heap memory pointing to some location in physical memory, same X8000 heap memory point to different location for Process2.
  • Threads can read and modify the heap data.

  • Synchronization is required between multiple threads.


  • Each thread has its own STACK.

  • It manages, method calls, local variables


  • When JIT(Just-in time) compiles converts the Bytecode into native machine code, its uses register to optimized the generated machine code.

  • Also helps in context switching.

  • Each thread has its own Register.


  • Also known as Program Counter, it points to the instruction which is getting executed.

  • Increments its counter after successfully executiong of the instruction

All these are managed by JVM

CPU Execution

Each CPU can execute only one thread at a time. If we have four cores in the system, meaning we have four CPUs that can execute four threads in parallel.

So, if a process has three threads and we have one CPU, we can execute one thread for some time, store the state of the current thread execution in its register, then move to the next thread, execute it for some time, and store its state in its register again. We continue this process until we reach the last thread. This is known as context switching.

Even if we have a single thread and perform context switching, it is not considered parallel execution.

Definition of Multithreading

  • Allows a program to perform multiple operation at the same time.

  • Multiple threads share the same resource such as memory space but still can perform operation independently


  • Improved performance by task parallelism

  • Responsiveness

  • Resource Sharing


  • Concurrency issue like deadlock, data inconsistency etc.

  • Sychronized overhead

  • Testing and Debugging is difficult.

Multitasking vs Multithreading

DefintionExecuting different processes in parallel is called multitasking.Executing different threads of the process parallely is called multithreading
Share Resources?No, 2 processes do not share the same resourcesYes, 2 Threads share the same resource